Green Living Series: Green-er Daily Habits to Prevent Cancer
World Cancer Day is an international day marked to raise awareness for the prevention, detection and treatment of all forms of cancer. The number of cancer cases throughout the past 30 years has drastically increased partly due to more capability of early onset detection, as well as more exposure to unhealthy factors and lifestyle.
Since 2020, Cancer is the number one leading cause of death in the world (10M deaths). More recently, last year (2022), in the US alone, there were 1.9M new cancer cases detected with 609,360 deaths all over the country. And that is why our team has put together some simple and doable daily habits that we can all do consistently to prime our body to be its best to prevent and fight this crippling disease. Unsurprisingly, these daily habits are not only good for the body but good for the Earth as well.
1. Be completely smoke-free
Stop Smoking or avoid second-hand smoke altogether as 1 out of 3 cancers is related to smoking. Contrary to belief, smoking does not only target the lungs but the harmful chemicals it contains affect the entire body and compromises your immunity as a whole.
2. Limit alcohol intake, if not, avoid it at all
Alcohol overuse is linked to at least 7 different types of cancer, while studies show that it's perfectly acceptable to have one drink a day on average, be mindful of the type of drink you are partaking in and the quantities you consume on a regular basis.
3. Less meat and dairy, more produce
A balanced meal is ideal at all times with a pre-determined portion of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. An easy hand reference for a meal portion is - thumb for healthy fats, palm for protein, fist for carbs and heap up the veggies and fruits. A healthy portion of vegetables and fruits contain anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber that protect the body from various from most cancers, so when in doubt, heap on the greens but what you should avoid completely are processed meats and high-caloric “junk”.
4. Be sun smart
While Vitamin D is good for you, too much sun exposure can eventually lead to skin cancer. Make sure to wear SPF every day, even if it doesn’t seem to be sunny out, limit sunbathing to 5-10mins a day and avoid sunbathing between 10am-4pm where the UV rays are extra harsh. Make sure to choose a natural, reef-safe sunscreen.
5. Shop seasonal, organic and local
Produce is more nutrient-dense and prime for consumption and for optimal body absorption when it’s in season, so make sure to incorporate seasonal produce in your daily meals (refer to our produce calendar, for more information). When you can and if available, choose organic and local as these are less likely to be exposed to chemicals and toxins along the way. (See our monthly produce calendar on our Instagram! @humbleearthinitiative)
6. Stay Active
Keep a healthy weight with regular exercise. “Where cancer prevention is concerned, physical activity is important to maintaining a normal, healthy body weight,” says Richard C. Wender, M.D., Chairman of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University. WHO recommended physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, 5-7 days a week, so ditch the car, and walk/bike to get those minutes in.
7. Choose Clean Green
Minimize chemical and toxin exposure by choosing more natural cleaning supplies. Avoid chemicals and toxins seen in the day-to-day products you use by being mindful of their ingredients and labels. Avoid the “Dirty 6” ingredients as much as you can.
8. Rest and Sleep
At least an average of 8 hours of sleep for adults is recommended to help your body fully recover and to make it stronger to fight against free radical exposure. Studies also show that lack of sleep contributes to weight gain. So to manage a healthy weight make sure to get a good night’s sleep.
9. Practice Mindfulness
Do a daily "self-scan”, may it be the first thing you do in the morning or the last thing before calling it a night. Be mindful and intentional in everything you do as mindfulness helps you be more self-aware and make the right decisions for yourself.
10. Invest in (your) happiness
Not only does smiling promotes circulation, it effectively manages stress, as well. Choose to be happy, always. You’ll find yourself to be more dedicated to living your best (green) life when you are happy in what you do.
While the list can definitely go on and on, we hope that these 10 Daily Habits prove to be the simplest, achievable practices you can incorporate into your daily routine. Small steps (habits) compound to bigger changes (lifestyle) for you to live your Truly Green Life.
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