Greener Christmas Swaps 2 (The Christmas Tree)
Although the age-old debate is between a Real Christmas Tree vs an Artificial Tree, in these modern times, there are more creative and even more sustainable alternatives in place of a traditional tree easily available, even at the comforts of your own home. These could also be a fun, Christmas project for the whole family to bond over and definitely simple enough to execute, not lacking on the fun and creative department.
Wooden Tree - visit your local wood shop or hardware store for some extra wood that you can use. Either stack them up or wood work a little bit depending on the size and how you want your tree to look. To make it extra special and sensorial, add a few drops of your favorite seasonal essential oil into the wood and re-apply as needed. Some of our favorite Christmas scents are - peppermint, ginger, fir, cedar or mix and match as you see fit.
Wall Light Tree - make use of that blank wall in the corner that you’ve probably been wanting to decorate but have never found the time to do so. Grab some LED lights, the most eco-friendly options to use light-wise and just wrap it around or layer it to create the facade of a Christmas Tree. For some extra decors, use some (recyclable) paper mache to create the star and some ornaments.
Indoor Plant - who says a Christmas Tree needs to be a “tree”? For those with limited space and especially for those who have developed a green thumb over the pandemic, then this is for you! Put a spot light (literally) on your favorite indoor plant, wrap it with lights and decorate it.
Winter Bark / Branch - fall/winter is the perfect time where you see random fallen barks and branches just laying around in every corner. A nice-sized branch, dried, cleaned and sanded if you must can make for a cute, minimalistic tree look. Decorate with dried fruits, pressed leaves, flowers or even acorns and pine cones picked up along the way, position inside a nice glass bowl or bottle, you are good to go.
Recycled Old and New Cards - put those greeting cards and other paper mementos to good use. Re-use old or even new greeting cards and put them on a nice display in the shape of a Christmas Tree. Gives a special personal touch to the tree seeing those special, sentimental cards and notes on special display.
Stacked Books, Gifts, Shoe Boxes - when in doubt, stack ‘em up! Repurpose household items (some ready to be thrown out even) that have just been gathering dust and shine the festive light around it by stacking them up in the shape of a tree and decorate with recyclable and repurposed items like leftovers ribbons, wrappers, twines, etc.
What are some non-traditional, creative Christmas Tree ideas that you have tried or been wanting to try? We want to hear all about it! Share your thoughts and comments below.
For more Christmas Swaps, make sure to bookmark this page and check out our other articles all about a Green(er) Christmas.